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内蒙古一机一中中澳VCE课程班顺利毕业 VCE Graduation – A great success!

时间:2019/11/11 15:46:58   作者:王小语   来源:教育在线   阅读:460   评论:0
On the 29th of October, No 1 Senior Middle School of No.1 Machinery Group held a VCE year 12 graduation ceremony. The head teacher, Mr. Yuan, was the host. Fiona Victoria government Nick International program director Principal Hou, assistant Principal Hu, VCE coordinator, EAL teacher Matt and VCE staff and students attended the ceremony.

Principal Hou addressed the audience and congratulated the students for successfully completing the VCE program. He expressed his thanks to the VCE team for their hard work and dedication. H commented for the students had matched over the past two years. He also added that whenever the students may go, No 1 Senior Middle School of No.1 Machinery Group will always be in their heart. He wishes all graduation students the very best of luck for the future.


Principal Hou and Mr. Nick then awarded the graduate a certificate of completion and a Northcote High School medal of achievement. Mr. Hou kindly presented Nick a traditional Chinese Paper of handwriting stating “FRIENDSHIP FOREVER”.

   最后,Nick 校长代表诺西科特中学致感谢词。他自豪而激动地宣布,2017届毕业生在GAT 考试中成绩优异,他们被录取的大学整体层次和保障性都非常高,并期待着孩子们完成华丽蜕变后与他们在澳洲的再次重逢。毕业典礼在全体师生的合影留念中圆满落幕。
Mr. Nick then addressed the audience. He said the students received excellent marks in the GAT. The students most likely receive a placement save of Australia’s most famous universities. Mr. Nick will look forward to meeting the 2019 graduates again in Melbourne.Finally photos were taken to remember this wonderful and memorable occasions.
Both high schools worked closely together to deliver both the VCE and GAOKAO program. With a focus on outstanding of autonomous learning and preparation the students for their cover path in a dynamic international community, we together are so proud of producing world-class graduates.
Big trees can attract big birds, an ancient Chinese Proverb states. In recent years, No 1 Senior Middle School of No.1 Machinery Group has achieved great educational success. After the 2019 GAOKAO results were published, many world famous Australian Universities sent congratulation letter to our school. They hope to co-operate with No. 1 Senior Middle School of No.1 Machinery Group in the future.
We must build our school higher and this done by listening and absorbing other cultures and their educational participations, so we welcome other schools to grow with us. 





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